Top "Stdin" questions

Standard input (stdin, file descriptor 0) is the input stream to a program.

Erlang read stdin write stdout

I'm trying to learn erlang through interviewstreet. I just learning the language now so I know almost nothing. I was …

erlang stdout stdin getline
Nonblocking Get Character

Platform: Linux 3.2.0 x86 (Debian 7) Compiler: GCC 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) I am writing a function that reads a single character from stdin …

c linux stdin polling
Golang reading from stdin, how to detect special keys (enter, backspace... etc)

I have the following program that reads user input from stdin: var input string = "" exec.Command("stty", "-F", "/dev/tty", "…

go stdin tty pty
How to check if stdin is still opened without blocking?

I need my program written in pure C to stop execution when stdin is closed. There is indefinite work done …

c stream stdin nonblocking
How to create a pseudo-tty for reading output and writing to input

I am using fork() and execvp() to spawn a process that must believe it is connected to an interactive terminal …

unix stdout stdin tty
Start runas as subprocess and write password to stdin?

I am trying to write a C# program that is supposed to call the runas tool from windows and input …

c# windows stdin runas
Flushing Perl STDIN buffer

Is there any way to clear the STDIN buffer in Perl? A part of my program has lengthy output (enough …

perl buffer stdin flush
setvbuf not able to make stdin unbuffered

My main intention was to make getchar return as soon as it gets a character instead of waiting for the …

c buffer stdin getchar unbuffered
How to use cp from stdin?

Note: # cat /tmp/foo - regular file /lib/a.lib /lib/b.lib /lib/c.lib /lib/d.lib cat /…

cygwin stdin cp