Top "Stdin" questions

Standard input (stdin, file descriptor 0) is the input stream to a program.

How to change the stdin and stdout encoding on Python 2

I'm using Windows and Linux machines for the same project. The default encoding for stdin on Windows is cp1252, and …

encoding stdout stdin python-2.x
How to read an entire text stream in node.js?

In RingoJS there's a function called read which allows you to read an entire stream until the end is reached. …

javascript node.js stream stdin ringojs
How do you specify filenames within a zip when creating it on the command line from a pipe?

I'm trying to create a zip file from file contents which are being piped in, e.g. mysql [params and …

linux zip stdin pipe
PHP CLI: How to read a single character of input from the TTY (without waiting for the enter key)?

I want to read a single character at-a-time from the command line in PHP, however it seems as though there …

php stdin command-line-interface buffering tty
How do I iterate over all lines of files passed on the command line?

I usually do this in Perl: while(<>) { #do whatever; } then cat foo.txt | Now, …

python stdin
How can I reinitialize Perl's STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR?

I have a Perl script which forks and daemonizes itself. It's run by cron, so in order to not leave …

perl redirect stdout stdin stderr
How to read lines from stdin (*in*) in clojure

I am writing my first clojure program, and want to read lines from stdin. When I try this: (doall (map #(…

clojure stdin
Using Python to run executable and fill in user input

I'm trying to use Python to automate a process that involves calling a Fortran executable and submitting some user inputs. …

python subprocess stdin communicate
python 3 subprocess error in bytes

Very good, I have a little problem with the output of the thread, I get in unicode or I think …

python-3.x subprocess stdin encode communicate
Read a character from standard input in Go (without pressing Enter)

I want to my app shows: press any key to exit ... And when I pressed any key, it exits. How …

go stdin