Top "Communicate" questions

Understanding Popen.communicate

I have a script named which creates a REPL (read-eval-print-loop): print "Something to print" while True: r = raw_…

python subprocess communicate
Communicating between two threads

I have a thread, A which has a list. List holds some objects. Now I want to design a mechanisim …

java multithreading communicate
Python subprocess Popen.communicate() equivalent to

Very specific question (I hope): What are the differences between the following three codes? (I expect it to be only …

python subprocess wait popen communicate
How to communicate between WPF and JavaScript in a WebBrowser instance?

I have a C#/WPF application with an embedded browser (WebBrowser) with some JavaScript. How can they communicate with each …

c# javascript wpf browser communicate
Python3 subprocess communicate example

I'm new to subprocessing. I just need a really simple win32 example of communicate() between a and child.…

python subprocess pipe communicate
Using Python to run executable and fill in user input

I'm trying to use Python to automate a process that involves calling a Fortran executable and submitting some user inputs. …

python subprocess stdin communicate
python 3 subprocess error in bytes

Very good, I have a little problem with the output of the thread, I get in unicode or I think …

python-3.x subprocess stdin encode communicate
Capture "Segmentation fault" message for a crashed subprocess: no out and err after a call to communicate()

I have problems using the subprocess module to obtain the output of crashed programs. I'm using python2.7 and subprocess to …

python segmentation-fault subprocess communicate fuzzing
PyMySQL variables in queries

I would like to have a connection between my python code and a SQL database. I have read several ways …

python mysql variables communicate