Standards are officially published or well agreed upon formats, procedures, or protocols.
I have some ideas, some that I have accumulated over time, but I really want to know what makes things …
sql database standards entity-relationshipI've had someone tell me that C++98 was written under ANSI before being formally standardised as ISO/IEC 14882:1998. I know …
c++ standards c++98I'm playing around with gmock and noticed it contains this line: #include <tuple> I would have expected tuple.…
c++ include c-preprocessor standardsIs anybody working on a jQuery.closest() equivalent in the DOM api? Looks like the Selectors Level 2 draft adds matches() …
javascript jquery standards w3c dom-traversalBy my reading of the C++ Standard, I have always understood that the sizes of the integral fundamental types in …
c++ standards long-integer language-lawyerISO 4217 defines 3-letter currency symbols: EUR USD LKR GBP Do currencies' minor units (cent, pence) have a ISO or similar …
internationalization standards currency isoI'm wondering if the following date is ISO8601 compliant : 2012-03-02 14:57:05.456+0500 (for sure, 2012-03-02T14:57:05.456+0500 is compliant, but not …
date standards datetime-format iso