Top "Standard-library" questions

The standard library contains core utilities provided by all implementations of the language.

Most useful Python modules from the standard library?

I am teaching a graduate level Python class at the University of Paris, and the students need to be introduced …

python module standard-library
Is there a std::noncopyable (or equivalent)?

There's a boost::noncopyable and I have my own noncopyable class in my library. Is there a std::noncopyable or …

c++ standard-library
Reading a text file backwards in C

What's the best way to read a file backwards in C? I know at first you may be thinking that …

c text stream standard-library
Subclass/inherit standard containers?

I often read this statements on Stack Overflow. Personally, I don't find any problem with this, unless I am using …

c++ standard-library inheritance
Python logging module having a formatter causes AttributeError

I am writing a terminal application, which, after passing in -v option, gets, unsurprisingly, verbose. I want to have the …

python logging stdout standard-library attributeerror
Does C or C++ have a standard regex library?

Does it? If yes, where can I get the documentation for it... if not, then which would be the best …

c++ c regex standard-library
C: Differences between strchr() and index()

I am doing something in C which requires use of the strings (as most programs do). Looking in the manpages, …

c string standard-library
C++ Do I have to include standard libraries for every source file?

I'm a bit confused at the moment because I'm planning to include multiple source and header files for the first …

c++ include header-files standard-library precompiled-headers
Template Specialization VS Function Overloading

A textbook I have notes that you can provide your own implementation for standard library functions like swap(x,y) …

c++ stl template-specialization standard-library overloading
trim is not part of the standard c/c++ library?

Is it me or are there no standard trim functions in the c or c++ library? is there any single …

c++ trim standard-library