The low level SQLite3 library for Ruby.
I have the following error during sqlite3-ruby install: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing …
ruby ubuntu sqlite sqlite3-rubyI am getting the following error while trying to add a NOT NULL column to an existing table. Why is …
ruby-on-rails database sqlite sqlite3-rubyI'm trying to install the "sqlite3-ruby" gem (or the "sqlite3" gem) on OS X 10.6. I'm using ruby-1.9.2 and I …
ruby-on-rails ruby sqlite gem sqlite3-rubyI tried doing this gem uninstall sqlite3-ruby gem uninstall sqlite3 Then I performed find ~/ | grep mkmf.log And it …
ruby-on-rails sqlite uninstallation sqlite3-rubyI'm new to Rails and I'm building a simple project-tracking app for my employer. I've been developing the app on …
ruby-on-rails rake migrate sqlite3-rubyTrying to get Rails up on ubuntu, and I’m having trouble installing sqlite3-ruby – it apparently can’t find …
ruby ubuntu sqlite sqlite3-rubyUpgrading to Rails 3 by starting with RVM 1.8.7. OSX 10.5.8 Output: josh-crewss-macbook:~ joshcrews$ gem install sqlite3-rubyBuilding native extensions. This could take …
sqlite rvm sqlite3-rubyI'm having issues installing the sqlite3-ruby gem on crunchbang linux. After googling the past few hours and following several …
ruby rubygems sqlite3-rubyI have a simple SQL question. I want to make a 3 column database and I have the following code: sqlite3 …
sql sqlite sqlite3-rubySo I was trying to run bundle install in my newly created Rails app when I got this error: Gem::…
ruby-on-rails ruby sqlite homebrew sqlite3-ruby