Top "Sqlite3-ruby" questions

The low level SQLite3 library for Ruby.

Installing Sqlite3 for Ruby (Mac OSX 10.5.8)

I am following this guide ATM - When trying to create a …

ruby macos homebrew sqlite3-ruby
Uninitialized constant Encoding with sqlite3-ruby on windows

On a new machine, installed ruby with the 1-click installer for windows. Installed rails 2.3.2 and all associated gems, then I …

ruby-on-rails windows sqlite sqlite3-ruby
no such file to load -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native

I am having trouble trying to run the following ruby script on OSX (Leopard). require 'sqlite3' database = SQLite3::Database.…

ruby sqlite sqlite3-ruby
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: true:

I want to have @messages return @folder.messages where the value of column "deleted" is NOT equal to true. I'm …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 sqlite sqlexception sqlite3-ruby