Top "Sqlite-net" questions

sqlite-net is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to store data in SQLite 3 databases.

How to use(create db, create table, query, etc) praeclarum sqlite-net?

I want to use sqlite-net available from this link Unfortunately, the getting started documentation are …

c# database sqlite sqlite-net
Class Property Not be included as sqlite database column

I have one entity class as public class someclass { public string property1 {get; set;} public string property2 {get; set;} public …

c# sqlite windows-runtime windows-store-apps sqlite-net
Generic Repository for SQLite-Net in Xamarin Project

I am wondering if there is a way to write a generic repository for my Xamarin project versus writing a …

c# xamarin repository-pattern sqlite-net
SQLite-Net Extensions Example on Xamarin Forms

I am intersted in using SQlite-Net Extensions ( with Xamarin Forms. I am using Visual Studio 2013, …

sqlite xamarin xamarin.forms sqlite-net sqlite-net-extensions
Unable to load DLL sqlite3 in Universal Windows App running on Mobile

I am developing a UWP. I am using the sqlite-net-pcl library. After upgrading my Application from RC to RTM , I …

sqlite sqlite-net uwp
SQLite database query with multiple WHERE conditions

Trying to develop a Windows 8.1 Store App. Amongst other difficulties, I need to retrieve records from a sqlite database with …

c# database sqlite sqlite-net
Using SQLite-NET with UWP

I downloaded the package from NuGet and still there's no SQLite.cs neither SQLiteAsync.cs added to the project, If …

sqlite visual-studio-2015 windows-10 sqlite-net uwp
SQLite: No such table

I am getting intermittent SQLiteExceptions claiming "no such table: HomepageSection". It is always the same table, but stopping the app …

c# sqlite sqlite-net
SQLite-Net Extension both one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between two entities

I am using SQLite-Net PCL together with SQLite-Net extensions for the development of an application using Xamarin. In my model …

sqlite xamarin sqlite-net sqlite-net-extensions
Cannot open SQLite database

Using this code: public void InsertPlatypiRequestedRecord(string PlatypusId, string PlatypusName, DateTime invitationSentLocal) { var db = new SQLiteConnection(SQLitePath); { db.CreateTable<…

c# sqlite windows-8 windows-store-apps sqlite-net