Top "Sqlcommand" questions

Represents a Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against a SQL Server database which is used in Microsoft .NET.

Confused between SqlCommand & SqlDataAdapter

everyone I am a student and new to .NET and specially MVC3 development but for one of my project I’…

c# .net sqlcommand sqldataadapter
SQL Check if table Exists in C#, if not create

I think I've seen almost every page relating to this question, most likely answer was Check if a SQL table …

c# sql sql-server sqlcommand information-schema
From .NET can I get the full SQL string generated by a SqlCommand object (with SQL Parameters)?

From the .NET environment can I get access to the full SQL string that is generated by a SqlCommand object? …

sql-server reflection sqlcommand
SQLCommand ExecuteNonQuery Maximum CommandText Length?

I've searched around the internet and everything seems to be about individual fields or doing one insert. I have a …

c# sql sql-server database sqlcommand
poor performance with sqlparameter

I have a web service, so the handler is called multiple times concurrently all the time. Inside I create SqlConnection …

c# sql-server sqlcommand sqlparameter
How to set CommandTimeout

I am using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. My Code: Server server = new Server(new ServerConnection( new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)); server.ConnectionContext.…

c# smo sqlcommand command-timeout
SqlCommand() ExecuteNonQuery() truncates command text

I'm building a custom db deployment utility, I need to read text files containing sql scripts and execute them against …

c# sqlcommand sqlclient
Is SqlConnection / SqlCommand thread safe?

I am currently creating a WCF web service. As part of its job, it will unfortunately need to do some …

c# multithreading locking thread-safety sqlcommand
How do multi rows insert with MySqlCommand and prepare statement?(#C)

Mysql give example how insert rows with prepare statement and .NET: …

c# mysql sqlcommand connector-net
sql command for reading a particular sheet, column

This is probably a very stupid question for SQL stalwarts, but I just want one SQL command. Details, I am …

sql excel r sqlcommand import-from-excel