Top "Sqlcommand" questions

Represents a Transact-SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against a SQL Server database which is used in Microsoft .NET.

How can I delete a row from an Oracle database in C#?

I have a problem when I want to delete an entire row based on id_curse. This is my code …

c# oracle sqlcommand
SqlCommand.Dispose() not disposing the SqlParameters in it - Memory Leak - C#.NET

I've a windows forms application with MS SQL Server 2005 as the back end. I have written code in the form …

c# memory-leaks sqlcommand
Is it possible to get the parsed text of a SqlCommand with SqlParameters?

What I am trying to do is create some arbitrary sql command with parameters, set the values and types of …

c# sql-server sqlcommand sqlparameter
Add SqlParameter to bind LIKE '%@x%'

I am having an issue getting the following code to correctly add the SqlCommand parameter @vendor. For some reason, the …

c# parameters sqlcommand