create table public.orders (
orderID serial PRIMARY KEY,
orderdate timestamp NOT NULL
create table public.orderdetails (
orderdetailID serial PRIMARY KEY,
orderID integer REFERENCES public.orders(orderID),
item varchar(20) NOT NULL,
I have (very simplified sample) tables as above, into which I want to insert details of an order and order details in one action.
I am familiar with transactions, and could insert data with an SQL command like the below:
DO $$
DECLARE inserted_id integer;
INSERT INTO public.orders(orderdate) VALUES (NOW()) RETURNING orderID INTO inserted_id;
INSERT INTO public.orderdetails(orderID, item, quantity)
VALUES (inserted_id, 'Red Widget', 10),
(inserted_id, 'Blue Widget', 5);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However, ideally I'd like to have a query like the above a function if possible, rather than being stored within my application.
Could anyone point me in the right direction for supplying multiple records to a postgres function? Alternatively, if what I am looking to do is considered bad practice, please let me know what other route I should follow.
Thanks in advance.
You can use an array of tuples to pass multiple rows to the function. You need a custom type:
create type order_input as (
item text,
quantity integer);
Use array of this type for an argument of the function:
create or replace function insert_into_orders(order_input[])
returns void language plpgsql as $$
inserted_id integer;
insert into public.orders(orderdate)
values (now())
returning orderid into inserted_id;
insert into public.orderdetails(orderid, item, quantity)
select inserted_id, item, quantity
from unnest($1);
end $$;
select insert_into_orders(
('Red Widget', 10),
('Blue Widget', 5)
select * from orderdetails;
orderdetailid | orderid | item | quantity
1 | 1 | Red Widget | 10
2 | 1 | Blue Widget | 5
(2 rows)