Top "Postgresql-9.4" questions

for PostgreSQL questions specific to version 9.4

How to perform update operations on columns of type JSONB in Postgres 9.4

Looking through the documentation for the Postgres 9.4 datatype JSONB, it is not immediately obvious to me how to do updates …

postgresql sql-update crud postgresql-9.4 jsonb
Merging Concatenating JSON(B) columns in query

Using Postgres 9.4, I am looking for a way to merge two (or more) json or jsonb columns in a query. …

json postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
How to delete replication slot in postgres 9.4

I have replication slot which I want to delete but when I do delete I got an error that I …

postgresql replication postgresql-9.4
How to convert PostgreSQL 9.4's jsonb type to float

I'm trying the following query: SELECT (json_data->'position'->'lat') + 1.0 AS lat FROM updates LIMIT 5; (The +1.0 is just …

sql postgresql casting jsonb postgresql-9.4
Error trying to run pgAdmin4

I've installed postgresql 9.6 (using suggested linux installer) which comes with pgAdmin4, but getting a few errors. First, I had to …

python postgresql flask postgresql-9.4 pgadmin-4
Operator does not exist: json = json

when I try to select some record from a table SELECT * FROM movie_test WHERE tags = ('["dramatic","women", "political"]…

sql json postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null

I have a REST API project in jersey and hk2 used. Now, I convert is to spring boot project and …

java spring-boot postgresql-9.4
Calculate JSONB Array Length Using PostgreSQL 9.4

I'm running the latest version of PostgreSQL 9.4.5-1.pgdg14.04+1, and am attempting to calculate the length of a JSONB array …

postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
Postgresql is the server running locally and accepting connection on Unix domain

I am trying to install postgresql-9.5 or postgresql-9.6 on my ubuntu 16.04 or 14.04 machine, after following the installation process using below …

postgresql ubuntu-14.04 ubuntu-16.04 psql postgresql-9.4
How to create an empty JSON object in postgresql?

Datamodel A person is represented in the database as a meta table row with a name and with multiple attributes …

json postgresql postgresql-9.4