Top "Postgresql-9.4" questions

for PostgreSQL questions specific to version 9.4

Why can't I query directly on jsonb_array_elements?

I have data stored as jsonb in a column called "data": {'people': [{"name": "Bob", "Occupation": "janitor"}, {"name": "Susan", "Occupation", "CEO"}]} …

postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
Create nested json from sql query postgres 9.4

I need to get as a result from query fully structured JSON. I can see in postgres that there are …

sql json postgresql aggregate-functions postgresql-9.4
Combine two JSON objects in PostgreSQL

I have two JSON rows in a PostgreSQL 9.4 table: the_column ---------------------- {"evens": [2, 4, 6]} {"odds": [1, 3, 5]} I want to combine all of …

json postgresql postgresql-9.4
Return model with laravel when it was created

I need to send a new model saved as json to front but I can't see column organizationid in response …

php json laravel postgresql-9.4
Postgres jsonb 'NOT contains' operator

I'm experimenting with postgres jsonb column types, and so far so good. One common query I'm using is like this: …

postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
How to get distinct array elements with postgres?

I have an array with duplicate values in postgres. For example: SELECT cardinality(string_to_array('1,2,3,4,4', ',')::…

arrays postgresql unique postgresql-9.4
CTE and temporary index on PostgreSQL

I work on postgres database where I'll using a mix of relational tables and jsonb tables (which can be indexed). …

postgresql temp-tables postgresql-9.4 jsonb
Is it possible to refer a column in a view as foreign key (PostgreSQL 9.4)?

I know in older versions it was impossible, is it the same with version 9.4? I'm trying to do something like …

postgresql postgresql-9.4
postgres: Index on a timestamp field

I'm new to postgres and I have a question about the timestamp type. To set the scene, I have a …

postgresql jpa-2.0 postgresql-9.4
Change PostgreSQL date language from request

I'm kind of new to PostgreSQL and I'm trying to change the locale of the date function results, to get …

postgresql locale postgresql-9.4