I'm interested in learning some (ideally) database agnostic ways of selecting the nth row from a database table. It would also be interesting to see how this can be achieved using the native functionality of the following databases:
I am currently doing something like the following in SQL Server 2005, but I'd be interested in seeing other's more agnostic approaches:
WITH Ordered AS (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderID) AS RowNumber, OrderID, OrderDate
FROM Orders)
FROM Ordered
WHERE RowNumber = 1000000
Credit for the above SQL: Firoz Ansari's Weblog
Update: See Troels Arvin's answer regarding the SQL standard. Troels, have you got any links we can cite?
There are ways of doing this in optional parts of the standard, but a lot of databases support their own way of doing it.
A really good site that talks about this and other things is http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/#select-limit.
Basically, PostgreSQL and MySQL supports the non-standard:
Oracle, DB2 and MSSQL supports the standard windowing functions:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY key ASC) AS rownumber,
FROM tablename
) AS foo
WHERE rownumber <= n
(which I just copied from the site linked above since I never use those DBs)
Update: As of PostgreSQL 8.4 the standard windowing functions are supported, so expect the second example to work for PostgreSQL as well.
Update: SQLite added window functions support in version 3.25.0 on 2018-09-15 so both forms also work in SQLite.