Top "Sql-injection" questions

SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker).

How does MongoDB avoid the SQL injection mess?

I was reading my trusty O'Reilly book and came across a passage about how Mongo, by nature, avoids the morass …

sql mongodb sql-injection
Python best practice and securest to connect to MySQL and execute queries

What is the safest way to run queries on mysql, I am aware of the dangers involved with MySQL and …

python mysql sql-injection
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF

I have a web application built on JSF with MySQL as DB. I have already implemented the code to prevent …

jsf xss sql-injection csrf owasp
Are SQL injection attacks possible in JPA?

I'm building a Java Web Application using Java EE 6 and JSF-2.0, using the persistence API for all database operations. The …

jpa orm sql-injection jpql
what's the meaning of 'admin' OR 1=1 -- '

The following query return all the passwords in the table tbl_user but I can not understand why this is …

php mysql security sql-injection cracking
What is SQL injection?

Can someone explain SQL injection? How does it cause vulnerabilities? Where exactly is the point where SQL is injected?

sql sql-injection security
Is mysqli_real_escape_string safe?

I´m new in PHP and I´ve realised that my database connection, using a php form (with user and …

php mysqli sql-injection
Site has been hacked via SQL Injection

Recently my site was hacked via SQL injection. The hacker used the following query to get my DB name. I …

mysql sql-injection
How to prevent SQL Injection with JPA and Hibernate?

I am developing an application using hibernate. When I try to create a Login page, The problem of Sql Injection …

java sql hibernate jpa sql-injection
regex expressions prevent sql/script injection

I am trying to create a regex expression for client side validation (before server side validation which will also take …

regex sql-injection javascript-injection