Top "Sql-injection" questions

SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker).

How is advised to use the contentResolver's delete method to be injection safe?

You can delete with content resolver by URI or by passing some parameters to the where parameter. How do you …

android sql-injection android-contentresolver android-sdk-2.1
Avoiding SQL Injection in SQL query with Like Operator using parameters?

Taking over some code from my predecessor and I found a query that uses the Like operator: SELECT * FROM suppliers …

search sql-injection sql-like
SQL injection hacks and django

Coming from a jsp and servlet background I am interested to know how django copes with SQL injection hacks. As …

django sql-injection
Do you have any SQL Injection Testing "Ammo"?

When reading about SQL Injection and XSS i was wondering if you guys have a single string that could be …

testing xss sql-injection
Someone has hacked my database - how?

Someone has hacked my database and has dropped the table. In my PHP page there is one single query where …

php mysql sql-injection
Is it safe to not parameterize an SQL query when the parameter is not a string?

In terms of SQL injection, I completely understand the necessity to parameterize a string parameter; that's one of the oldest …

c# sql sql-injection sqlcommand parameterized-query
Connecting directly to database with credentials in SQLMap

I have the credentials of a TARGET website database and SQLMap Claims that you can connect to the database directly …

python mysql sqlalchemy sql-injection sqlmap
Do I have to guard against SQL injection if I used a dropdown?

I understand that you should NEVER trust user input from a form, mainly due to the chance of SQL injection. …

php mysql mysqli sql-injection
How do i add a user name and a password to sqlmap?

I was running a SQLInjection with sqlmap. My page has an error of sql but the error shows up once …

php sql mysqli sql-injection sqlmap
Preventing SQL injection in PHP with MDB2

I'm trying to figure out how to prevent sqlinjection, I wrote this basic function : function antiInjectie($inputfromform){ $temp = str_replace("…

php postgresql sql-injection mdb2