Top "Spring-social-facebook" questions

Spring Social Facebook is a module within the Spring Social family of projects that enables you to connect your Spring application with the Facebook Graph API.

Spring boot whitelabel 404

Hello guys I keep getting this error even though I have followed spring tutorial from their website. I have been …

java html gradle spring-boot spring-social-facebook
Working example of Spring Social Facebook login except the sample applications on github

Please can somebody share links of working example of Spring Social Facebook login except the sample applications on git hub …

java spring spring-mvc spring-social spring-social-facebook
App domains must match the domain of the Facebook Web Games URL (https), Mobile Site URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL or Secure Page Tab URL

I am developing Spring Boot + Facebook Integration example. In this example, I've created an at app …

java spring-boot spring-oauth2 spring-social-facebook
Error message is (#12) bio field is deprecated for versions v2.8 and higher

I used version 2.0.3.RELEASE of spring-social-facebook and Facebook app api v2.8. I called Facebook login but returned this message. "(#12) bio …

Integrate Spring Security with Facebook Login

I use Spring MVC and Spring Security for my project.. This using my own user data for authentication. But now …

facebook-graph-api spring-mvc spring-security spring-social spring-social-facebook
Converting Json to java objects using Google's Gson

I am using Spring Social FqlQuery to get data's from facebook. Here is the JSON response I am getting from …

java json facebook spring spring-social-facebook