App domains must match the domain of the Facebook Web Games URL (https), Mobile Site URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL or Secure Page Tab URL

user5778069 picture user5778069 · Jun 12, 2017 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

I am developing Spring Boot + Facebook Integration example. In this example, I've created an at app The screen shot of the created app shown below.

Also when I was passing the Domain name I am getting the below error:

App domains must match the domain of the Facebook Web Games URL (https), Mobile 
Site URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL or Secure Page Tab URL. Please correct these
domains: localhost

enter image description here

I am using the same code mentioned in the URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not white-listed in the app's client OAuth settings. Make sure that the client and web .

Please guide and let me know if need any other details.


khem raj regmi picture khem raj regmi · May 3, 2018

1 - Click Apps and then select your app.

2 - Click the Settings button on the left side of the screen.

3 - In the Basic settings, click the Add Platform button below the settings configuration.

4 -Select Website in the platform dialog.

5 - Enter your URL (localhost works here).

6 - In the App Domains text input, add your domain that matches the one in the URL.

7 - Save your settings.

Check this link for detail