Top "Spring-oauth2" questions

How does Spring Oauth2 login redirect work?

I've been thrashing around with the Spring Boot Oauth2 tutorial and I can't seem to get a pretty key element …

spring spring-security spring-security-oauth2 spring-oauth2
Accessing a Spring OAuth 2 JWT payload inside the Resource Server controller?

I'm going through this tutorial on how to setup spring boot oauth with jwt. It covers decoding the JWT token …

java spring-boot spring-security jwt spring-oauth2
How to logout oauth2 client in Spring?

I have the simplest oauth2 client: @EnableAutoConfiguration @Configuration @EnableOAuth2Sso @RestController public class ClientApplication { @RequestMapping("/") public String home(Principal user, …

java spring-security oauth-2.0 spring-security-oauth2 spring-oauth2
How to use AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer?

I am looking at a Spring boot project which has this code: public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) throws Exception { oauthServer .…

spring spring-mvc spring-boot spring-security spring-oauth2
Using WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter with Spring OAuth2 and user-info-uri

I have created an Authorization service as follows @SpringBootApplication @EnableAuthorizationServer public class AuthorizationApplication { ... } With this server.port=9000 security.…

java spring-boot spring-security-oauth2 spring-oauth2
Spring oauth2 hasRole access denied

I am really new to OAuth2 and trying to build one server in roles auth.server for authorizing users and …

spring spring-cloud spring-oauth2
How do I map OAuth 2 token to UserDetails object in a resource server?

I have 2 separate Spring Boot applications, one serving as an an OAuth 2 authorization server, and the other as resource server. …

java spring spring-mvc spring-boot spring-oauth2
spring boot OAuth2 role based authorization

We have a dedicated authorization server extending AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter, where we have set authorities overriding void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) method. @Configuration @…

oauth-2.0 spring-boot spring-security-oauth2 spring-oauth2
Spring security oauth2 resource server failing to call authorization server

I am trying to set up a oauth2 environment with client , resource and auth server running at 3 different places. Login …

java spring-mvc spring-security oauth-2.0 spring-oauth2
Spring OAuth2 XML configuration for Client and Resource Server

Can any one help me with a very basic configuration in XML to act my spring application as OAuth2/OIDC …

spring-security oauth-2.0 spring-oauth2 openid-connect