Top "Spring-oauth2" questions

Spring OAuth2 disable HTTP Basic Auth for TokenEndpoint

I am starting with Spring OAuth2. So far so good, I have secured my app with the configuration. But I …

spring spring-security oauth spring-security-oauth2 spring-oauth2
How to call JHipster (Spring) OAuth2 Rest server using Postman Authentication helpers

Postman has Authentication helpers to help with authenticated calls and I'm trying to use the OAuth 2.0 helper to call a …

spring-security spring-security-oauth2 jhipster postman spring-oauth2
Request 'OPTIONS /logout' doesn't match 'POST /logout

I am studying Spring Cloud and Spring OAuth2 by decomposing the three interconnected apps in this GitHub sample. When I …

spring spring-security spring-boot spring-cloud spring-oauth2
Manual Configuration of OAuth2 Client using @EnableOAuth2Client not working

I am following this tutorial from the official spring docs to Manually Configure OAuth2 Client using @EnableOAuth2Client. For some …

java spring spring-oauth2
Spring Boot + Security OAuth2.0 Client with Custom Provider

I am creating a OAuth2.0 client for a custom OAuth2 provider in Spring Boot + Security (version 5) application. Below is the …

oauth-2.0 spring-security-oauth2 spring-oauth2 oauth2client