Top "Spring-data-jpa" questions

Spring Data - JPA is part of the Spring Data umbrella project which makes it easy to implement JPA based repositories

Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA gives invalid character issue for findOne(…) on Oracle database

My setup : Spring boot, using spring-data-jpa, Oracle 11g. I have same setup mentioned here on url,…

oracle hibernate spring-boot spring-data-jpa ora-00911
Whitelabel Error Page - application has no explicit mapping for /error

I have configured a spring boot application but on booting the application,I am getting mapping error as below Whitelabel …

java spring-boot spring-data-jpa spring-boot-starter
How do you specify multi-column OrderSpecifier for use in SpringData and QueryDsl? Is this possible

So I have the following query below: public Iterable<Dealer> findAll(Dealer dealer) { QDealer qdealer =; BooleanExpression …

spring-data-jpa querydsl
How to maintain bi-directional relationships with Spring Data REST and JPA?

Working with Spring Data REST, if you have a OneToMany or ManyToOne relationship, the PUT operation returns 200 on the "non-owning" …

java spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-data-rest
Spring test with @DataJpaTest can't autowire class with @Repository (but with interface repository works!)

I'm trying to understand why I can't autowire a class repository but I can autowire a interface repository in the …

java spring spring-data-jpa integration-testing spring-test
Generate automatically Spring Data Repositories from JPA entities

I have a lot of JPA entities automatically created from a relational database schema. Is there any way to generate …

java spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-repositories
Spring Data JPA - Why are changes to a returned Entity automatically persisted?

I present the question with an example. Assert that we have a Repository such as the below: public interface ExampleObjectRepository …

spring jpa spring-data-jpa
How do you use Spring Data JPA outside of a Spring Container?

I'm trying to wire up Spring Data JPA objects manually so that I can generate DAO proxies (aka Repositories) - …

spring jpa jakarta-ee spring-data spring-data-jpa
Spring Data JPA - bidirectional relation with infinite recursion

First, here are my entities. Player : @Entity @JsonIdentityInfo(generator=ObjectIdGenerators.UUIDGenerator.class, property="id") public class Player { // other fields @ManyToOne @…

java spring-data-jpa infinite-recursion
How to get entitymanager programmatically in Spring?

I am trying to integrate our DAO maven module to spring, we don't want to change any code of the …

spring spring-data openjpa spring-data-jpa