Top "Spring-data-jpa" questions

Spring Data - JPA is part of the Spring Data umbrella project which makes it easy to implement JPA based repositories

Spring Boot: Hibernate and Flyway boot order

I have created Spring application. Pom xml is attached. It has a config like this (below) and some db/migration/…

java hibernate spring-boot spring-data-jpa flyway
Possibly consider using a shorter maxLifetime value - hikari connection pool spring boot

After starting my SpringBoot application, getting an exception on few minutes of the server startup. Did not use any HikariPool …

java spring-boot jpa spring-data-jpa hikaricp
Spring + hibernate versus Spring Data JPA: Are they different?

Although not novice, I am trying to learn spring framework (again!) in order to be sure that I really understand …

spring hibernate jpa spring-data-jpa spring-orm
Spring JPA Repository - Operator SIMPLE_PROPERTY on jsonObject requires a scalar argument

I'm updating some Spring Boot Applications with JPA queries. Everything works fine except from one specific kind of queries (findByJsonNode). …

java spring-boot jpa spring-data-jpa hibernate-types
Spring Data ExampleMatchers by Example

I'm trying to understand how to use Spring Data's Query by Example capabilities, and am struggling to understand how to …

spring spring-data spring-data-jpa query-by-example
Spring Boot: autowire beans from library project

I'm struggling to autowire beans from my custom library, imported with gradle. after reading couple of similar topics I am …

spring-boot spring-data-jpa multi-module spring-ioc component-scan
Java 8 Spring Data JPA Parameter binding

In my @Repository interface I created custom find method with JPQL @Query that contains parameter (addressType). from Address a where …

jpa java-8 jpql spring-data-jpa
Spring boot + Spring Data JPA + Atomikos + Multiple databases configuration

With this configuration ( import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import …

spring-data-jpa spring-boot atomikos
Improve insert performance massively

In my application I need to massively improve insert performance. Example: A file with about 21K records takes over 100 min …

spring-data-jpa bulkinsert
How to add Query Hints to spring data jpa querydsl queries?

I'm using Spring Data JPA 1.7.1 I was trying pass query hints (e.g. for Hibernate query caching) to queries when …

spring hibernate jpa spring-data-jpa querydsl