Top "Spring-batch" questions

Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive framework aimed at enabling the development of batch applications vital for the daily operations of enterprise systems.

OptimisticLockingFailureException updating step execution after commit failure in Spring Batch

I am performing some integration testing for my application in which I am trying to force an exception whenever there …

java spring spring-batch jta optimistic-locking
spring batch ItemReader FlatFileItemReader set cursor to start reading from a particular line or set linestoskip dynamically

In my springbatch+quartz setup, I am reading a CSV File using FlatFileItemReader. I want to set the cursor for …

spring spring-batch filereader skip
Chunk reading in Spring Batch - not only chunk writing

My assumption In my understanding "chunk oriented processing" in Spring Batch helps me to efficiently process multiple items in a …

spring-batch chunking
BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration: The element [step2] is unreachable

I had spring batch job similar to this one: <batch:job id="job"> <batch:step id="step1"&…

spring spring-batch
Unit Testing using JUnit for Spring Batch without XML configuration

I am new to Spring Batch and I started developping a simple batch application. Now I am thinking of some …

spring unit-testing spring-batch junit4 xml-configuration