Chunk reading in Spring Batch - not only chunk writing

Peter Wippermann picture Peter Wippermann · Dec 20, 2012 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

My assumption

In my understanding "chunk oriented processing" in Spring Batch helps me to efficiently process multiple items in a single transaction. This includes efficient use of interfaces from external systems. As external communication includes overhead, it should be limited and chunk-oriented too. That's why we have the commit-level for the ItemWriter. So what I don't get is, why does the ItemReader still have to read item-by-item? Why can't I read chunks also?

Problem description

In my step, the reader has to call a webservice. And the writer will send this information to another webservice. That's why I wan't to do as few calls as necessary.

The interface of the ItemWriter is chunk-oriented - as you know for sure:

public abstract void write(List<? extends T> paramList) throws Exception;

But the ItemReader is not:

public abstract T read() throws Exception;

As a workaround I implemented a ChunkBufferingItemReader, which reads a list of items, stores them and returns items one-by-one whenever its read() method is called.

But when it comes to exception handling and restarting of a job now, this approach is getting messy. I'm getting the feeling that I'm doing work here, which the framework should do for me.


So am I missing something? Is there any existing functionality in Spring Batch I just overlooked?

In another post it was suggested to change the return type of the ItemReader to a List. But then my ItemProcessor would have to emit multiple outputs from a single input. Is this the right approach?

I'm graceful for any best practices. Thanks in advance :-)


Peter Wippermann picture Peter Wippermann · Feb 20, 2014

This is a draft for an implementation of the read() interface method.

public T read() throws Exception {
    while (this.items.isEmpty()) {
        final List<T> newItems = readChunk();
        if (newItems == null) {
            return null;
    return this.items.pop();

Please note, that items is a buffer for the items read in chunks and not requested by the framework yet.