Top "Spring-async" questions

Asynchronous execution in spring for Java.

JUnit-testing a Spring @Async void service method

I have a Spring service: @Service @Transactional public class SomeService { @Async public void asyncMethod(Foo foo) { // processing takes significant time } } …

java spring junit spring-async
Spring async doesn't work when implements AsyncConfigurer

Having a Spring configuration class for async methods as: @Configuration @EnableAsync(proxyTargetClass = true) @EnableScheduling public class AsyncConfiguration { @Autowired private ApplicationContext …

spring asynchronous spring-java-config cglib spring-async
Asynchronous REST API generating warning

I am working with a Spring boot application. I have a rest controller that returns Callable. @GetMapping("/fb-roles") @Timed public …

spring spring-mvc spring-boot jhipster spring-async