Top "Spray" questions

spray is an open-source toolkit for building REST/HTTP-based integration layers on top of Scala and Akka.

spray-json error: could not find implicit value for parameter um

I have this case class case class Person(val name: String) object JsonImplicits extends DefaultJsonProtocol { implicit val impPerson = jsonFormat1(Person) } …

scala akka implicit-conversion spray
Sending a post request in spray

I need to make a simple HTTP request using spray framework. I found some examples on their web site but …

json scala spray
How to expose REST service for JSON?

I need to expose a Spray service that accepts JSON payload. Where can I find a sample that would demonstrate …

scala spray spray-json
Parsing a simple array with Spray-json

I'm trying (and failing) to get my head around how spray-json converts json feeds into objects. If I have a …

scala spray spray-json
Can routes be split into multiple "Controllers"?

I haven't found a solid example or structure to splitting up routes into multiple files. I am finding …

scala spray
akka-http : could not find implicit value for parameter unmarshalling

My spray json support looks like this object MarshallingSupport extends SprayJsonSupport { implicit def json4sFormats: Formats = DefaultFormats } And in my …

scala akka spray spray-json akka-http
Akka Http: Exceeded configured max-open-requests value of [32]

I post some data to Server using the following code def post(endpoint: String, entity: Strict) = { Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = …

scala akka spray akka-http
How to deploy my spray API into production?

I'm thinking about how should be the process to deploy my already locally tested rest api to the cloud, lets …

scala akka spray
spray-json and list marshalling

I'm using spray-json to marshal lists of custom objects into JSON. I have the following case class and its JsonProtocol. …

scala scala-2.10 spray spray-json
Spray won't convert my case class to json and expect a spray.httpx.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable

I'm trying to reprocude this or this, but I keep getting an error I am not able to fix... First …

scala spray spray-json