Top "Akka-http" questions

The purpose of the Akka HTTP layer is to expose Actors to the web via HTTP and to enable them to consume HTTP services as a client.

akka HttpResponse read body as String scala

So I have a function with this signature (akka.http.model.HttpResponse): def apply(query: Seq[(String, String)], accept: String): …

scala akka akka-http
Spray, Akka-http and Play, Which is the best bet for a new HTTP/REST project

I'm going to develop new HTTP/REST services using Scala and Akka Actors. I have experience working with Play, but …

scala playframework akka spray akka-http
Akka-http: Accept and Content-type handling

I'm trying out Akka-http and hopefully someone can shed light on a the following questions: How does one create different …

scala akka akka-http
How to create a Source that can receive elements later via a method call?

I would like to create a Source and later push elements on it, like in: val src = ... // create the Source …

scala akka akka-stream akka-http
How does one log Akka HTTP client requests

I need to log akka http client requests as well as their responses. While there seems to be a hint …

scala akka akka-http
How to read query parameters in akka-http?

I know akka-http libraries marshal and unmarshal to class type while processing request.But now, I need to read request-parameters …

scala akka-stream akka-http
How to unmarshall akka http request entity as string?

I'm trying to unmarshall request payload as string, but for some reason it's failing. My code: path("mypath") { post { decodeRequest { …

json scala akka-http
How to read a json response from a akka-http response entity using json4s

I am trying to invoke the google geocoding api and retrieve the response. lazy val geoCodingConnectionFlow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Any] = …

json scala json4s akka-http
How to test client-side Akka HTTP

I've just started testing out the Akka HTTP Request-Level Client-Side API (Future-Based). One thing I've been struggling to figure out …

scala akka-http akka-testkit
Akka Http Client :Custom headers

I am trying to use Akka-Http for invoking REST url. I am following this example from the akka documentation. Using …

scala rest akka-http