Top "Akka-stream" questions

Akka implementation for handling streaming data on the JVM

How to get started with Akka Streams?

The Akka Streams library already comes with quite a wealth of documentation. However, the main problem for me is that …

scala akka-stream
Akka Stream Kafka vs Kafka Streams

I am currently working with Akka Stream Kafka to interact with kafka and I was wonderings what were the differences …

scala akka-stream apache-kafka-streams typesafe stream-processing
How to create a Source that can receive elements later via a method call?

I would like to create a Source and later push elements on it, like in: val src = ... // create the Source …

scala akka akka-stream akka-http
How to read query parameters in akka-http?

I know akka-http libraries marshal and unmarshal to class type while processing request.But now, I need to read request-parameters …

scala akka-stream akka-http
How to convert Source[ByteString, Any] to InputStream

akka-http represents a file uploaded using multipart/form-data encoding as Source[ByteString, Any]. I need to unmarshal it using Java …

scala akka akka-stream
How do I supply an implicit value for an when sending a FakeRequest?

I'm trying to make sense of the error(s) I'm seeing below, and to learn how to fix it. could …

scala playframework playframework-2.0 akka akka-stream
Reading a CSV files using Akka Streams

I'm reading a csv file. I am using Akka Streams to do this so that I can create a graph …

scala akka akka-stream
Difference between map and mapAsync

Can anyone please explain me difference between map and mapAsync w.r.t AKKA stream? In the documentation it is …

scala akka-stream
Get whole HttpResponse body as a String with Akka-Streams HTTP

I'm trying to understand how to use the new akka.http library. I would like to send an http request …

scala http akka akka-stream
Creating a flow from actor in Akka Streams

It's possible to create sources and sinks from actors using Source.actorPublisher() and Sink.actorSubscriber() methods respectively. But is it …

scala akka akka-stream