I'm thinking about how should be the process to deploy my already locally tested rest api to the cloud, lets say an infrastructure as a service (not a platform as a service such as Heroku) like amazon.
I have my local envorinment set up with sbt up and running but my question is How should I deploy this in a production environment?
Is it sane to define a process in which the devops pulls the most recent changes from the git repo and then simply executes sbt run?
I want to know how does the teams that uses scala+spray+sbt deploys their apis to a production environment.
The heart of our services is scala + akka + spray + mongo. So we are using GitHub for version control. After merging checked PRs to the master branch, Jenkins automaticaly tests'n'builds project. If all tests were successful then Jenking runs a couple of scripts:
Basicaly on the thrid step you have a couple of choices:
Make a runnable jar using IO/Spray boot file:
object Boot extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("ServiceName")
val log = system.log
val service = system.actorOf(Props[Service], name="serviceActor")
IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(service, interface = host, port = port)
Make a runnable jar as Akka's microkernel:
In this case you should extend Bootable trait and override startup
and shutdown
class Kernel extends Bootable {
// many lines of code
def startup() {
def shutdown() {
Using a TypeSafe startscript:
Can't show an example, but it has a good intro on github =)
We are using all of this way in different cases.