Top "Speech-recognition" questions

Speech recognition (SR) is the inter-disciplinary sub-field of computational linguistics which incorporates knowledge and research in the linguistics, computer science, and electrical engineering fields to develop methodologies and technologies that enables the recognition and translation of spoken language into text by computers and computerized devices such as those categorized as smart technologies and robotics

Is there a voice authentication library?

Does anyone know if there's a good voice authentication library available? Or do I need to find a good voice …

authentication speech-recognition
How To Use Amazon Skill Set Without Amazon Echo Device

I am trying to integrate amazon skill kit in my website without an amazon echo unit. I want to implement …

speech-recognition alexa-skills-kit amazon-echo alexa-voice-service
Node js offline speech to text

I want to create a robot with Node.js and, i bought the audio module and i'm wondering …

javascript node.js audio speech-recognition
Python speech recognition for Raspberry Pi 2

I am trying to find a Speech recognition library similar to PySpeech that will work on a Raspberry Pi 2. I …

python-2.7 speech-recognition speech-to-text raspberry-pi2
Make Python Speech Recognition Faster

I have been using Google Speech Recognition for Python. Here is my code: import speech_recognition as sr r = sr.…

python speech-recognition google-speech-api dictation
Open Source Software For Transcribing Speech in Audio Files

Can anyone recommend reliable open source software for transcribing English speech in wav files? The two main programs I've researched …

java python speech-recognition speech-to-text cmusphinx
Muting the Google voice recognition beep sound

I have a test app that uses Google voice in a continuous manner and it plays the beep sound every …

android speech-recognition voice-recognition android-speech-api google-voice-search
Unable to correctly install MS Speech Platform 11 on Win 7 x64

so I'm trying to get up and running MS Speech Platform 11 + SDK + Russian Language for TTS and SR Installing SpeechPlatformRuntime.…

speech-recognition microsoft-speech-platform
API or SDK for speech to text(speech recognition ) iphone

Hi I want to have a speech recognition api or sdk which recognises the speech spoken by the user and …

iphone api sdk speech-recognition speech
Pocket Sphinx on Android

What are the steps required to use PocketSphinx on Android? I have found various hints around the web that it …

android speech-recognition cmusphinx