Top "Google-voice-search" questions

Google Voice Search or Search by Voice is a Google product that allows users to use Google Search by speaking on a mobile phone or computer.

Google Speech Recognition timeout

I am developing an Android Application that is based around Speech Recognition. Until today everything has been working fine and …

android speech-recognition voice-recognition google-voice-search
Integrate Google Voice Recognition in Android app

I want to introduce a new feature into my app: permanent voice recognition. First of all I followed these posts: …

android speech-recognition voice-recognition google-voice google-voice-search
Muting the Google voice recognition beep sound

I have a test app that uses Google voice in a continuous manner and it plays the beep sound every …

android speech-recognition voice-recognition android-speech-api google-voice-search
What audio file types does Google Cloud Speech API recognize?

I'm trying to use Google's Cloud Speech API. There's documentation and code examples here:…

audio google-cloud-platform google-speech-api google-voice-search