How To Use Amazon Skill Set Without Amazon Echo Device

user5493185 picture user5493185 · Feb 17, 2016 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I am trying to integrate amazon skill kit in my website without an amazon echo unit. I want to implement voice commands on my website using the laptop/PC microphone instead of an echo unit.

I have used this tutorial but I didn't find anything about how to implement it on my side.

I also tried these samples available on github. But I think these also require an Amazon echo device:

I am using Windows with the development environment given below

My development environment

  • I am able to configure web server for Alexa skills and it is working
  • Asp.Net
  • C#
  • Javascript / Jquery
  • Azure

Is it possible to use Amazon Alexa Skill Kit without an echo device?


John Wiseman picture John Wiseman · Feb 18, 2016

Yes, the Alexa Voice Service does exactly that: Lets you process audio from any source, like a laptop or tablet or phone, using the Alexa Skills Kit. No Echo is necessary.

Make sure you read through Getting Started with the Alexa Voice Service and the Reference Implementation Guide; there are a lot of configuration steps that need to be done to make everything work together.

Did you get the Alexa Voice tutorial you linked to working?