Top "Sound-synthesis" questions

Periodic electric signals can be converted into sound by amplifying them and driving a loudspeaker with them.

FFT Pitch Detection - Melody Extraction

I am creating a pitch detection program that extracts the fundamental frequency from the power spectrum obtained from the FFT …

signal-processing fft pitch sound-synthesis audio
Where to start on iOS audio synth?

I know this is a very broad topic, but I've been floundering around with demos and my own tests and …

ios audio synthesizer sound-synthesis
Sound Synthesis Framework in C/C++/Objective-C?

I've searched the net but didn't found anything interesting. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'm looking for sound synthesis API …

audio synthesizer sound-synthesis
Generating Swept Sine waves

How can I formulate an equation for generating a swept sine wave. I am new to signal processing and cannot …

c signal-processing sound-synthesis
Using supercollider with python

I want to do some real time sound processing and I heard about supercollider and it looks great, but I …

python audio mp3 sound-synthesis supercollider