FFT Pitch Detection - Melody Extraction

my MDB picture my MDB · Nov 27, 2011 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I am creating a pitch detection program that extracts the fundamental frequency from the power spectrum obtained from the FFT of a frame. This is what I have so far:

  • divide input audio signal into frames.
  • multiply frame with a Hamming window
  • compute the FFT and magnitude of the frame sqrt(real^2 + img^2)
  • find the fundamental frequency (peak) by harmonic product spectrum
  • convert the frequency of the peak (bin frequency) to note (e. g. ~440 Hz is A4)

Now the program produces an integer with value from 0 to 87 for each frame. Each integer corresponds to a piano note according to a formula I found here. I am now trying to imitate the melodies in the input signal by synthesizing sounds based on the calculated notes. I tried to simply generate a sine wave with magnitude and frequency corresponding to the fundamental frequency but the result sounded nothing like the original sound (almost sounded like random beeps).

I don't really understand music so based on what I have, can I generate a sound with melodies similar to the input (instrument, voice, instrument + voice) based on the information I get from the fundamental frequency? If not, what other ideas can I try using the code I currently have.



jjs picture jjs · Jan 24, 2013

It depends greatly on the musical content you want to work with - extracting the pitch of a monophonic recording (i.e. single instrument or voice) is not the same as extracting the pitch of a single instrument from a polyphonic mixture (e.g. extracting the pitch of the melody from a polyphonic recording).

For monophonic pitch extraction there are various algorithm you could try to implement both in the time domain and frequency domain. A couple of examples include Yin (time domain) and HPS (frequency domain), link to further details on both are provided in wikipedia:

However, neither will work well if you want to extract the melody from polyphonic material. Melody extraction from polyphonic music is still a research problem, and there isn't a simple set of steps you can follow. There are some tools out there provided by the research community that you can try out (for non-commercial use only though), namely:

As a final note, when synthesizing your output I'd recommend synthesizing the continuous pitch curve that you extract (the easiest way to do this is to estimate the pitch every X ms (e.g. 10) and synthesize a sine wave that changes frequency every 10 ms, ensuring continuous phase). This will make your result sound a lot more natural, and you avoid the extra error involved in quantizing a continuous pitch curve into discrete notes (which is another problem in its own).