Top "Solr" questions

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the Lucene Java search library.

NoSQL (MongoDB) vs Lucene (or Solr) as your database

With the NoSQL movement growing based on document-based databases, I've looked at MongoDB lately. I have noticed a striking similarity …

mongodb solr lucene memcached nosql
How to stop solr with command line

I want to stop solr by command so if find this article echo "Stopping Solr" cd $…

Difference between solr and lucene

I know that Lucene and Solr are 2 differents Apache projects that are made to work together, but I don't understand …

java solr lucene
How to filter query in solr by date?

In my SOLR there is date field(published_date) and values are in this format "2012-09-26T10:08:09.123Z" How …

Solr query (q) or filter query (fq)

I have a ~1 mil product document Solr index. I also have a whole bunch of UI filters such as, categories, …

How do I find out version of currently running Solr?

Please tell me how can I determine the version number of currently running solr ?

Choosing a stand-alone full-text search server: Sphinx or SOLR?

I'm looking for a stand-alone full-text search server with the following properties: Must operate as a stand-alone server that can …

mysql full-text-search lucene solr sphinx
Solr: how to delete a collection?

I am using solr 4.9, not adding any additional shard, just use whatever default it comes with it. I have created …

Apache Solr - OR in filter query

Is it possible to search (with apache Solr) for items which are in one of few categories using filter query, …

apache solr
HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path with solr

I am new to Solr, after installing it in ubuntu 8.10, when I was trying exampledocs to index , as per this …

solr jetty http-status-code-404