Top "Solr" questions

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the Lucene Java search library.

solr query with white space

I search for a word and I get the results with facet as follows: <lst name="itemtype"> <…

Most simple way (URL?) to trigger SOLR commit of all pending docs?

What's the most simple way to cause a SOLR installation to commit all pending docs? (There's no obvious way in …

Indexing PDF with Solr

Can anyone point me to a tutorial. My main experience with Solr is indexing CSV files. But I cannot find …

solr full-text-search solrj apache-tika solr-cell
Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Index locked for write for core

We are using solr4.3 with master/slave setup, today I got the following error and solr stopped responding. What could …

How do I index documents in SOLR?

Im running Solr 1.4 on Ubuntu 10.04 (installed via apt-get solr-tomcat) and it seems to be working fine. Im having some difficulty …

solr full-text-search apache-tika solr-cell
Retrieving specific fields in a Solr query?

I am running a Solr instance on Jetty and when I search using the Solr admin panel, it returns the …

lucene solr
How can I search on a list of values using Solr/Lucene?

Given the following query: (field:value1 OR field:value2 OR field:value3 OR ... OR field:value50) Can this be broken …

lucene solr
How to fix: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'gettingstarted': Unable to create core

I'm getting this error when I try to create a new core in solr. root@ubuntu:/opt/solr# bin/solr …

solr lucene solr5
Solr localhost:8983 Not Found

I have downloaded Solr 3.5.0. After unzipping I cd into solr\example and then run java -jar start.jar. The following …

java solr jetty
Solr exact word search

I want to configure my Solr search engine so I get an exact match for the search term I enter. …

search solr