Top "Slime" questions

The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs.

Using Emacs as an IDE

Currently my workflow with Emacs when I am coding in C or C++ involves three windows. The largest on the …

emacs ide development-environment slime
What is the closest thing to Slime for Scheme?

I do most of my development in Common Lisp, but there are some moments when I want to switch to …

emacs lisp scheme common-lisp slime
How do I get a common-lisp GUI in Windows?

I'm using Emacs, with CLISP and Slime, and want to be able to draw pictures on the screen. I'm specifically …

windows graphics common-lisp slime
Setting SLIME in emacs

I was trying to install SLIME. I downloaded the zipped package and according to the README file, I have to …

emacs lisp common-lisp slime
How to gracefully exit SLIME and Emacs?

I have a question regarding how to "gracefully exit SLIME", when I quit Emacs. Here is the relevant portion of …

emacs elisp dot-emacs slime
How do I set up Aquamacs for Clojure development?

I've tried to migrate to Emacs several times for Clojure development, following a variety of blogposts, screencast and tutorials, but …

emacs clojure slime aquamacs paredit
automatically disable a global minor mode for a specific major mode

I have centered-cursor-mode activated globaly, like this: (require 'centered-cursor-mode) (global-centered-cursor-mode 1) It works fine, but there are some major modes where …

emacs read-eval-print-loop slime