Top "Slice" questions

A slice is a representation of a part of a sequence, usually defined by a reference to the underlying sequence, an index giving the starting position, a length or end position, and optionally a "stride" or "step" value.

How to slice a list from an element n to the end in python?

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to slice python lists, it is illustrated as follows: >>> test = …

python list sequence slice
What is a concise way to create a 2D slice in Go?

I am learning Go by going through A Tour of Go. One of the exercises there asks me to create …

go slice
How do I check for an empty slice?

I am calling a function that returns an empty array if there are no values. When I do this it …

go slice
Explanation of [] in javascript?

I stumbled onto this neat shortcut for converting a DOM NodeList into a regular array, but I must admit, I …

javascript arrays call slice
Go: Append if unique

Is there a way to check slices/maps for the presence of a value? I would like to add a …

append go slice
Slice Pandas DataFrame by Row

I am working with survey data loaded from an h5-file as hdf = pandas.HDFStore('Survey.h5') through the …

python pandas slice
range over interface{} which stores a slice

Given the scenario where you have a function which accepts t interface{}. If it is determined that the t is …

go reflection slice go-reflect
What does [:] mean?

I'm analyzing some Python code and I don't know what pop = population[:] means. Is it something like array lists in …

python arrays syntax slice
Reversing a list using slice notation

in the following example: foo = ['red', 'white', 'blue', 1, 2, 3] where: foo[0:6:1] will print all elements in foo. However, foo[6:0:-1] will …

python list syntax slice
Implementing slicing in __getitem__

I am trying to implement slice functionality for a class I am making that creates a vector representation. I have …

python slice python-datamodel