Top "Skspritenode" questions

An SKSpriteNode is a node that draws a textured image, a colored square, or a textured image blended with a color.

Swift - Must call a designated initializer of the superclass SKSpriteNode error

This code worked on first XCode 6 Beta, but on latest Beta it's not working and gives such errors Must call …

ios swift sprite-kit skspritenode designated-initializer
How do I detect if an SKSpriteNode has been touched

I am trying to detect if my sprite node has been touched and I have no idea where to start. …

swift sprite-kit touch skspritenode touchesbegan
In swift how do I change the color of a SKSpriteNode?

I have created a game with an SKSpriteNode that is black and when the user touches the screen I would …

ios xcode swift sprite-kit skspritenode
Make SKSpriteNode subclass using Swift

I'm trying to create class which is a subclass of SKSpriteNode and I want to add other properties and functions …

ios swift sprite-kit subclass skspritenode
How to bring a SKSpriteNode to front?

How can I bring a SKSpriteNode to the front of all other node? With UIView, I can use bringSubviewToFront to …

objective-c sprite-kit skspritenode
What is wrong with the coordinate system in this SpriteKit setup?

I created a SKView which presents an SKScene subclass like this: SKView *skv = [[SKView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds]; [self.…

ios ios7 sprite-kit skspritenode sknode
swift change SKSpriteNode image in SKScene class

I defined SKSpriteNode under SKScene class, how can i change the SKSpriteNode image afterwards, for example: class GameScene: SKScene { var …

swift sprite-kit skspritenode
Blend UIColors in Swift

I have two SKSpriteNode and their colors are defined like this: colorNode[0].color = UIColor(red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1) colorNode[1].color = …

swift colors sprite-kit skspritenode color-blending
How to rotate an SKSpriteNode around the node's Y-axis?

I'm trying to rotate an SKSpriteNode node around it's Y-axis. I know there's the zRotation property and that will rotate …

objective-c rotation sprite-kit skspritenode