Top "Sizing" questions

Maximum number of rows in a sqlite table

Give an simple sqlite3 table (create table data (key PRIMARY KEY,value)) with key size of 256 bytes and value size …

database sqlite sizing
How can I make the modal popup scroll its contents with the page?

I've got a modal popup and when it loads contents that are taller than the browser height I am unable … ajaxcontroltoolkit modalpopupextender sizing
Estimating IOPS requirements of a production SQL Server system

We're working on an application that's going to serve thousands of users daily (90% of them will be active during the …

sql-server performance storage sizing
Sizing an Android multi-line TextView

I have an Activity where I want to display a heading that takes up the top quarter of the app …

android textview android-layout android-ui sizing
Android Layout - set spacing between Image Buttons

I have four buttons on top of a bar (background image) . What I'm trying to do is increase the spacing …

button android-layout sizing
How do I change a JFreeChart's size

I've added a JFreeChart to a JPanel (using a BorderLayout), and it's huge. Is there something I can do to …

java swing layout jfreechart sizing
Fancybox 2 Dynamic Width Based on Content Size

I've got an IFrame being opened via Fancybox 2 that plays a video: HTML: <a class="fancybox-video" href="/user/intro-file.…

jquery iframe dynamic fancybox sizing
How to force an <img> to take up width, even if the image is not loaded

I'm loading a bunch of img's, and I'd like them to take up space on the document even if they …

html css image sizing
find out if text of JLabel exceeds label size

In Java when the text of the JLabel could not be displayed due to lack of space the text is …

java swing jlabel sizing
Estimating database size

I was wondering what you do when developing a new application in terms of estimating database size. E.g. I …

sql-server database sizing