Top "Sinatra" questions

Sinatra is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.

EventSource / Server-Sent Events through Nginx

On server-side using Sinatra with a stream block. get '/stream', :provides => 'text/event-stream' do stream :keep_open do |…

ruby nginx sinatra
How to get ALL of the URL parameters in a Sinatra app

Using the following Sinatra app get '/app' do content_type :json {"params" => params}.to_json end Invoking: /app?…

ruby sinatra
How to dump an HTTP request from within Sinatra?

Is there a way to dump all incoming requests to a Sinatra application in the exact way the application receives …

ruby sinatra rack
Running Sinatra on port 80

I installed Sinatra and it works but it uses port 4567 by default. I want it to run on port 80. In …

ruby sinatra
How to make Sinatra work over HTTPS/SSL?

As the title says, Google doesn't give anything useful concerning this. How do I set up and configure HTTPS/SSL …

ruby ssl https sinatra
Sinatra configuring environments on the fly

I have successfull written a little Sinatra application and already successfully deployed it on heroku. However I want to run …

ruby heroku sinatra
No such file or directory - getcwd

I uploaded my Sinatra app to Beanstalk. When I go to my site my logs are returned No such file …

ruby amazon-web-services sass sinatra amazon-elastic-beanstalk
Ruby / Sinatra - serving up css, javascript, or image files

What is the correct way to route your request through Sinatra so that it serves up the file with no …

ruby sinatra
in Sinatra how do you make a "before" filter that matches all routes except some

I have a Ruby Sinatra app and I have some code which I need to execute on all routes except …

ruby sinatra
Sinatra vs. Rails

I've worked through some of the Sinatra and Rails samples, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which features …

ruby-on-rails ruby sinatra