Top "Sinatra" questions

Sinatra is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.

Send and Receive JSON using RestClient and Sinatra

I am trying to send a JSON data to a Sinatra app by RestClient ruby API. At client(client.rb) (…

ruby sinatra rest-client
Bundler not working with rbenv, could not find [gem]

I've just made the switch from rvm to rbenv and I'm trying to use bundler for gem management. After running …

ruby sinatra bundler rbenv
Passing parameters to erb view

I'm trying to pass parameters to an erb view using Ruby and Sinatra. For example, I can do: get '/…

ruby sinatra erb
Capistrano asks for password when deploying, despite SSH keys

My ssh keys are definitely set up correctly, as I'm never prompted for the password when using ssh. But capistrano …

ruby-on-rails ruby sinatra capistrano ssh-keys
How to parse JSON request body in Sinatra just once and expose it to all routes?

I am writing an API and it receives a JSON payload as the request body. To get at it currently, …

ruby sinatra rack
Access Ruby hash variables

I am pretty new to ruby and sinatra but basically I have this route: put '/user_list/:user_id' …

ruby hash sinatra
How do you debug a Sinatra app like a Rails app?

In my main Sinatra controller, I want to debug the params hash after it is POSTed from a form. I …

ruby-on-rails ruby debugging logging sinatra
Use Rack::CommonLogger in Sinatra

I have a small web-server that I wrote with Sinatra. I want to be able to log messages to a …

ruby logging sinatra rack error-logging
HAML using links in text without newline

I'm currently developing a little Sinatra Ruby app. For the presentation layer I'm using HAML, which works quite well. However …

html sinatra haml
What is a very simple authentication scheme for Sinatra/Rack

I am busy porting a very small web app from ASP.NET MVC 2 to Ruby/Sinatra. In the MVC app, …

ruby forms-authentication sinatra