No such file or directory - getcwd

jason328 picture jason328 · Feb 2, 2014 · Viewed 25.4k times · Source

I uploaded my Sinatra app to Beanstalk. When I go to my site my logs are returned

No such file or directory - getcwd

The app was working before. I believe the issue has to do with the fact that I added SASS to my app, but I'm not positive. In my, I have the following code dealing with SASS...

# use scss for stylesheets
Sass::Plugin.options[:style] = :compressed
use Sass::Plugin::Rack

If it could be another issue, let me know and I can provide more information. Thanks.


6ft Dan picture 6ft Dan · Apr 27, 2014

Some people received this error after trying to run from an already deleted directory.

I received this error after switching databases and leaving the server running. The old server info was still showing up but I was getting this error. Restarted my rails server and everything works fine with the new db.

Basically it means that there is a significant state change on the server, and your environment needs to be reset/restarted.