Top "Sinatra" questions

Sinatra is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.

How can I send binary data from Sinatra?

I want to send binary data from a Sinatra application so that the user can download it as a file. …

Sinatra Sub-Directory Views

I want to be able to get Sinatra views from sub-directories of ./views (such as ./views/admin). I know you …

ruby views sinatra
How mix in routes in Sinatra for a better structure

I found nothing about how I can mix-in routes from another module, like this: module otherRoutes get "/route1" do end …

ruby sinatra
Installing a gem from Github with Bundler

I am trying to use the instructions here to install a pre-released version of a gem with bundler. The "bundle …

ruby rubygems sinatra bundler
Undefined method failure_app for nil:NilClass

I am trying to use devise from a Rails app to grant access to a Sinatra application within the Rack …

devise sinatra rack warden
LoadError: no such file to load -- dm-sqlite-adapter

I'm starting my first Sinatra App and I'm trying to use DataMapper. Everything is in the very early stages, as …

ruby sqlite sinatra datamapper
undefined method `run' for main:Object (NoMethodError) Sinatra

require 'sinatra/base' class Foo < Sinatra::Base get('/foo') { 'foo' } end class Bar < Sinatra::Base get('/…

sinatra modular
Sinatra doesn't know this ditty even when default route is implemented with modular style

I'm running MacOS mavericks whith jruby and am trying to write a basic modular sinatra app. Here's what my config.…

ruby sinatra jruby modular
What are the main differences between Sinatra and Ramaze?

I'm looking for a lightweight Ruby web framework and have come across Sinatra and Ramaze. Both seem extemely light, concise …

ruby sinatra ramaze
What python equivalent of Sinatra would you recommend?

I like the sinatra framework, but might have to work in python. A quick web search has uncovered a few …

python frameworks sinatra web-frameworks