Top "Sinatra" questions

Sinatra is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.

sinatra what is the configure block for?

I'm using Sinatra with Apache and Phusion-Passenger with "classic" style: # require 'sinatra' configure do .... end require './app' …

ruby configuration sinatra passenger
Several optional parameters in sinatra route

I need the Sinatra route to behave in the following manner: GET /list/20/10 # Get 20 items with offset 10 GET /list/20 # Get 20 …

ruby sinatra padrino
cannot load such file -- rack/handler/puma

My setup and the error I get an error when I start my Sinatra application with rackup and puma. My …

ruby sinatra rackup puma
Mount Sinatra app inside a rails app and sharing layout

I would like to mount a sinatra application in my rails app. But I would like this one to share …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 sinatra rack
Suitability of Rails, Padrino, and Sinatra for building a prepaid mobile service

I am working on an application in the Mobile/VOIP domain. This is really a gray area for me. Here …

ruby-on-rails ruby comparison sinatra padrino
Passing options to rackup via a Sinatra application

I'm new to ruby, learning Sinatra. While creating a Sinatra site by requiring 'sinatra' and setting up the routes directly …

ruby sinatra rack thin rackup
Sinatra success stories

Have you used Sinatra successfully? What kind of a project was it? In what situations would you recommend using Sinatra …

ruby sinatra web-frameworks
How to get a list of all routes used in a Sinatra app?

Say I have: require 'sinatra' get '/' { "hi" } get '/a' { "a" } get '/b' { "b" } Is there any …

routes sinatra
Handling POSTDATA in Sinatra

I'm trying to create a page in Sinatra, so that whatever you post (under the parameter name "command") will be …

ruby http post sinatra postdata
Conditionally set CSS class

How to convert this ERB code: <div <%= 'class="highlight"' if job.done %>> into Haml code?

ruby sinatra haml erb