A PHP extension shipped with the main source tree.
I am trying to extract some data from XML but when I execute the following I get a Warning: Invalid …
simplexml phpsay I have XML: <root> <nodeA /> <nodeA /> <nodeA /> <nodeC /> <…
php xml simplexmlDoes anybody know a quick way to convert a SimpleXMLElement to a normal STDClass object, without iterating through each branch …
php simplexmlI'm trying to read an RSS feed from Flickr but it has some nodes which are not readable by Simple …
php xml simplexmlI have an xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xml> <events date="01-10-2009" color="0…
php simplexml xqueryI am building an RSS parser using the SimpleXML Class and I was wondering if using the DOMDocument class would …
php performance rss simplexml domdocumentI am creating an Atom feed, when I tried below to add xmlns:i as an attribute - $node->…
php simplexml xml-namespacesI'm dealing with a third party PHP library that I can't edit, and it's been working fine for almost a …
php xml simplexml