Top "Simplexml" questions

A PHP extension shipped with the main source tree.

parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

I am using PHP for the first time. I am using the php sample for uploading image on ebay sandbox. …

php xml simplexml
XML parser error: entity not defined

I have searched stackoverflow on this problem and did find a few topics, but I feel like there isn't really …

php xml tinymce entity simplexml
Parse XML with Namespace using SimpleXML

I have this as xml: <root xmlns:event=""> <event:event&…

php xml namespaces simplexml
Forcing a SimpleXML Object to a string, regardless of context

Let's say I have some XML like this <channel> <item> <title>This is title 1&…

php xml simplexml
Format output of $SimpleXML->asXML();

The title pretty much says it all. If I have something like (from PHP site examples): $xmlstr = <<<…

php xml formatting simplexml
How to get the value of an attribute from XML file in PHP?

Sorry if this seems like an easy question, but I've started pulling hair out on this... I have a XML …

php xml simplexml
php SimpleXML check if a child exists

A->b->c might exist but c might not exist. How do I check it?

php simplexml
How check if a String is a Valid XML with-out Displaying a Warning in PHP

i was trying to check the validity of a string as xml using this simplexml_load_string()Docs function but …

xml simplexml php libxml2
SimpleXMLElement to PHP Array

Variable $d comes from file_get_contents function to a URL. $answer = @new SimpleXMLElement($d); Below is output of the …

php xml arrays simplexml
Simplexml_load_string() fail to parse error

I'm trying to load parse a Google Weather API response (Chinese response). Here is the API call. // This code fails …

php simplexml google-weather-api