Top "Simplexml" questions

A PHP extension shipped with the main source tree.

SimpleXml how to correctly set encoding and xmins?

Any ideas on how I can get PHPs SimplXMLElement to kick off with the following? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&…

php xml encoding simplexml
SimpleXML get node value

Say I have this following XML structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <main> <parent> <…

php xml simplexml
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Serialization of 'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed'

I am not sure why this is coming up. I am not serializing the XML, but my array that I …

php exception serialization simplexml
getting xml from URL into variable

I am trying to get an xml feed from a url …

php xml parsing simplexml
Getting SimpleXMLElement to include the encoding in output

This: $XML = new SimpleXMLElement("<foo />"); echo($XML->asXML()); ...outputs this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <foo/> …

php xml dom simplexml
PHP library for parsing XML with a colons in tag names?

I've been trying to use SimpleXML, but it doesn't seem to like XML that looks like this: <xhtml:div&…

php xml namespaces simplexml
What's the difference between PHP's DOM and SimpleXML extensions?

I'm failing to comprehend why do we need 2 XML parsers in PHP. Can someone explain the difference between those two?

php simplexml domdocument
SimpleXML - Remove xpath node

I'm a little confused as to how I can delete a parent node of something which I can find via …

php simplexml
Access an element's parent with PHP's SimpleXML?

I'm iterating through a set of SimpleXML objects, and I can't figure out how to access each object's parent node. …

php xml xpath simplexml
SimpleXML Attributes to Array

Is there any more elegant way to escape SimpleXML attributes to an array? $result = $xml->xpath( $xpath ); $element = $result[ 0 ]; $…

php arrays attributes simplexml