Sikuli IDE is an Integrated Development Environment for sikuli script.
Am new to Sikuli and trying to Automate Citirx Application. Need Help Am trying to select a user role in …
sikuli sikuli-script sikuli-ideI am using sikuli IDE for automation. In sikuli IDE, we can put single line comment as '#'. But …
sikuli sikuli-ideI'm using Sikuli 1.0.1 installed in F drive in a windows8 64bit system. I've been trying to run a sikuli script (…
command-line sikuli sikuli-ideI am new to Sikuli and am trying it out with a very simple script that looks like this... wait …
sikuli sikuli-ideI have figured out how to run Sikuli X from command line using: @start C:\SikuliX\runIDE.cmd -r C:\…
command-line sikuli sikuli-ide