I have figured out how to run Sikuli X from command line using:
@start C:\SikuliX\runIDE.cmd -r C:\Users\Robert\Documents\Automation\test.sikuli
My problem is when it runs it opens up another command window, runs the program and finishes but then doesn't close the command window it opens. I was wondering if anyone knew how to close that command window it opens? I could get Sikuli to do the whole find the exit button and close it like that but i don't want to do that for fear something might not shutdown right.
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me figure this out.
Try this: it depends if the executable is a command line program or a gui window.
@echo off
start "" /w /b C:\SikuliX\runIDE.cmd -r C:\Users\Robert\Documents\Automation\test.sikuli
Actually, I see it is a batch file, so try this:
@echo off
call C:\SikuliX\runIDE.cmd -r C:\Users\Robert\Documents\Automation\test.sikuli